Form 12A: Application for Full Membership

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Single Double
Joining Fee (one time) Ksh. 5,000.00 No new accepted (2016)
Subscription (annual) Ksh. 4,000.00 Ksh. 7,000.00
Total (initial payment) Ksh. 9,000.00 n/a

NB: After three years as an associate member, one may apply to the EAKC Council to become a full member.
Associate members may register puppies and enter shows at members’ rates. Associate members are not eligible
to vote at the AGM or apply for an affix until they become a full member.

I/We hereby apply for Membership of the EAKC and enclose card / cheque / cash / MPesa payment for the sum of